DAPNext Release Notes

We’ve pushed below Bug fixes and New Features to DAP on 09/28/2024

New DAP Features:

  • Updated type-ahead filter components for better performance
  • Updated Tesla campaign checkout process to include nearest installer distance.
  • Improved QR code support
  • New button components for dual action visibility

Bug fixed for this patch include:

  • Fixed a bug where Add or Edit Item in Work Order was not respecting Tech Tracking Type
  • Fixed a few bugs related to assigning technicians to a Work Order Part.
  • Fixed a bug where dates assigned to a work order were only saving to every other work order.
  • Fixed a bug on several pages where errors were triggered from missing permissions.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing the Part Revisions modal during Part Search would not reset between instances.
  • Fixed a bug on Deals page where Won or Lost deals dialog was causing a crash.
  • Fixed a bug where 404 error would flash onscreen when a new page loaded.
  • Fixed a bug when filtering description on Reports/Cutbank page was causing an error.



We’ve pushed below Bug fixes and DAPNext New Features on 08/26/2024

DAPNext Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the active user could not set themselves as supervisor to another user
  • Fixed a bug where supervisor assignment was showing duplicate entries.
  • Fixed a bug where users could not be assigned to a location after using dropdown filter.
  • Fixed a bug where vehicle details were lost when converting a deal to a work order
  • Fixed several UI alignment issues from the introduction of new components
  • Fixed a bug where Settings/Materials grid would not show changes made after saving.

DAPNext Features:

  • Updated Location APIs to only show user locations where they are assigned
  • Updated Deals to include new 'Interest in Marine' flag
  • Added a new 404 page for improved navigation
  • Added EULA and SAAS Agreements and corresponding flags
  • Added Export feature to Deals page
  • Updated Items Details page for proper Cancel/Save button behavior based on change state 


DAPNext with below Bug fixes and DAPNext New Features (7/19/2024).

Bug fixed for this patch include:

DAPNext Bugs Fixes:

  • Options to Import patterns for Planned Part is now DISABLED.
  • Part Assignment page’s issue with overlapping layer is fixed.
  • Fixed the Error when changing difficulty on a pattern.
  • Issue with Part Publication process attempts to begin without moving a pattern into the Part Assignment is now fixed.
  • Fixed the issue where Difficulty Level is defaulting to 0 when publishing a planned part.
  • Cancel button is NOW working on publishing a planned part modal as expected.
  • Spacing issue on Design Editor, vehicle tree creating large spacing between selections is now fixed.
  • Side Navigation Links are now triggered on the click on tab row instead of text.
  • Cancel/Previous/Next buttons overlap on the customer selection grid on the Warranty page is now fixed.
  • Fixed the Issue with Workorder where Images are stock test images instead of work order images.
  • Issue with Catalog Price Column toggles overlapped by Download button is fixed.
  • Fixed the issue with Converting Deal into Work Order loses VIN on Save.

DAPNext New Features

  • Customers Deals page has a new status optionQuote Sent”
  • Campaign Deals: DAP User can now view if a specific deal is a part of XPEL campaign.
    • User can sort their deals by Campaign, Campaign status.
  • XPEL Admins can create New Campaigns, Customize the Campaign items, which can be assigned to Deals.
  • Main Nav Update: Users can now view their Profiles, Change between locations and logout from the Main Nav.
  • Export File: For easy identification of export files, file name will reflect the page/contents they are sourced from.

Along with this, DAP team is working on bringing in some really great features These updates aren't just about adding bells and whistles. They're about creating a seamless, comprehensive customer management platform designed to increase business productivity and supercharge sales and operations efforts like never before.

Stay tuned as we unveil these exciting updates! We're confident that these improvements will not only help our customers streamline their processes but also elevate their ability to deliver exceptional service and support to their clients.


DAP Client (Version 11.3.18) and DAPNext with below Bug fixes and DAPNext Features.

Bug fixed for this patch include:

 DAP Client Bugs:

  • Fixed the bug where Difficulty Level was defaulting to 0 when publishing a planned part. Users have to adjust the difficulty when publishing a planned part.
  • Cancel Button on Planned Part Model is now working as expected.

DAPNext Bugs:

  • Chinese Language Preference: System now shows correct option for Traditional Chinese.
  • Overlapping of buttons on Warranty page when adding a new warranty is fixed.
  • Catalog: User can now successfully select the Display toggle to display Price Columns.
  • Large spacing between selections on vehicle tree is now fixed.
  • Workorder: User can now view their uploaded images instead of stock images.
  • Deals: Converting Deal into Work Order now successfully adds the VIN in Work Order.

DAPNext Features:

  • Side Navigation: User can now easily navigate sub menu pages with a side navigation feature to find relevant information quickly. Sub-Menu also includes the icons which will help users to identify which page they are on when sub-menu is collapsed.


DAP Client (Version 11.3.17) and DAPNext with below Bug fixes and DAPNext Features.

Bug fixed for this patch include:

 DAP Client Bugs:

  • Token Expiration: Issue with token expiration, with error toast states "Something Went Wrong" is now fixed. Now, user will be redirected to Login Page.
  • Fixed the issue with Part No P0626DD for 2019/Chevrolet/Silverado/1500 LD (Previous Generation)/LT Z71, for which Pattern was not opening to drawing form.
  • Fixed the issue with combo press Ctrl +O. originally was used for "Plot by Group" feature.

DAPNext Bugs:

  • Items: Issue with allocating a Commission Type without setting the default value is resolved.
  • Setting/Material: Users can now correctly edit the Materials sizes in metric (Unit of measure).
  • Customers:
    • Users are now able to successfully make the customer to InActive.
    • Distributor toggle is now correctly setting on customer.
  • Fixed the issue when Adding a New User was failing validation on First/Last Names.
  • Work Order: Fixed the issue for adding a technician on Work order line item.

DAPNext Features:

  • Parts Catalog: Users now will be able to select multiple price columns to display on the catalog and have the optional ability to change the name of the price columns selected, so that price names on the catalog instead display as the assigned names.
  • Last Modified Date: Users are now able to view the last modified date same as created date if there is no change/edit on the record.
  • Zoom functionality from the Main navigation is removed for better text size responsiveness.
  • Breadcrumb Links: DAPNext user are now able to utilize the breadcrumb functionality on pages where available.
  • New Deal Email Notification: DAPNext is now sending out email for any new Deals assigned to dealer to their email address. 


DAP Client (Version 11.3.15) and DAPNext with below Bug fixes.

Bug fixed for this patch include:


DAP Client Bugs:

  • Ploting: Issue with Plotting where system was throwing a Mimaki error even though not using Mimaki Plotter is now fixed.


DAPNext Bugs:

  • Deals status now correctly updates when user view the details of the New Deals.
  • Issue at the Setting> Price columns, where actionable menu items were visible for the system columns such as Sugg. and Dealer Sugg. Retail are no more visible.
  • Items:
    • Commission type on the Setting > Item page is now a READ only field after Saving the item.
    • Commission types, Piece work and Percentage of ticket now accepts the NULL value for default commission field when creating a new item.
    • Users now gets the warning message when tries to go back to previous page without saving the edits.
  • Part Search:
    • Issue with Part search page when No search results populate until last category is selected is now fixed.
    • Fixed the issue where Make and Model columns were missing from Search Results

DAPNext Features:

  • Font sizes are optimized to be more responsive with screen resolution.
  • All grids on DAP are now more visually aligned to show Breadcrumbs, Search bar and Filters.


DAP Next update v11.3.15 03/26/2024


Bug fixed for this patch include:

 DAP Client Bugs:

  • Incremental Move:
    • Entity is now returned to its original placement after cancellation of incremental move action.
    • Move settings now apply to arrow key nudge. i.e. if Move is saved as 2 inches, then one arrow key press should move an entity 2 inches in the given direction
  • Coverage label is now retaining selection when initiating tool. Correct objects are selected now.
  • Move Selection tool: Issue is fixed where Move selection tool action was removing the pattern from the drawing form.
  • Issue with Recently Accessed Parts for not displaying data correctly for Part Revisions is now fixed.
  • Production Manager Tab cycle out of order: Issue with tab where it was skipping fields, is now fixed.
  • Part Search - Search by Make preference now returns correct results.
  • Billing History: Issue where billing history page loads as blank page is fixed.
  • Manage Part Properties save confirmation modal is saving the changes correctly.
  • Issue with Warning message flashing on patterns without notes is now fixed.

DAP Next Bugs:

  • Work Order:
    • Fixed: Issue where work order customer section was showing inactive customers.
    • Issue is fixed where Part Search page was retaining the work order information after leaving the Work order.
    • Issue with Add Part/Hand Cut does not add in Completed state is now fixed.
    • Fixed: Parts not accepting required entries for Revision ID or Part ID HandCut/Length.
  • Items:
    • Issue where Location and Customer availability columns are not greyed out when Inactive item has multiple locations and Customers is fixed.

DAP Next Features:

  • Deal Management:
    • XPEL Admins can now view all the deals and its details.
    • Admins can also assign unassigned deals to dealers.
    • Notification to dealers when deal is assigned.
  • Items:
    • Users can now add/create Service Types and assign it to items as per their business need.
  • Vision Warranty:
    • Product Installation now allows to choose from options Annealed, Heat Strengthened, Tempered.
    • User can now select None option under Glass Coating.
  • Settings > Users
    • Refreshed look of Users page with more actionable items and better filtering capabilities.
    • View user’s Login History with location details.

DAP Client Features:

  • For Coverage label the highlight color of the selected object is now more visible.


DAP Next update v11.3.13 02/29/2024

DAP Client Bugs Fixes:

  • Token Expiration:
    • There was an issue with token expiration checks due to DAPClient and server time difference. It’s now fixed.

DAPNext Bugs Fixes:

  • Vision Warranty:
    • Users were not able to accept warranty Terms and Condition. This is now fixed.
  • Zoom:
    • Users are now able to see the horizontal scroll bar when zoom in until the right-most columns are obscured by the sticky column.
  • Deals:
    • Sticky footer now adjusts and aligns when Notes section is collapsed.

DAPNext New Features:

  • Work Orders:
    • Users are now able to add Date and time when adding a Schedule date and Due date on work order.
    • Film column on Work order line part is now renamed to Length and it dynamically shows Length (in inches) or Length (in cm) depending upon the users' preference for Imperial vs Metric.
  • Part Search:
    • Parts search result are now shown in alphabetical order by Parts Description
  • Menu Navigation
    • User can now clearly see and navigate through the Main menu and sub-menu items when browser is minimized or user using DAPNext in Mobile browser.


DAP Next update v11.3.11 02/13/2024

DAP Client Bugs:

  • Part Search Catalog:
    • Price calculation now follow parent columns and matching DAP Client part search prices.
    • Part search is now not carrying remnants from previous selections to new selections.
    • Lag on Part Search results is fixed when scrolling up.
  • Parts:
    • Users are now able to plot a pattern when user has a Part Access Fee setting active on their subscription.
  • Bug related to Zoom increment, where location of the cursor on screen does not match where the box is being drawn from is now fixed.
  • Bug related to wrongly highlighting the entity when zooming out is fixed.

DAPNext Bugs:

  • Vision Warranty:
    • When adding a new warranty, DAPNext users are now be able to Add same Product Type more than once.
    • Country list is loading correctly when adding a new address during warranty registration.
  • Parts:
    • Parts with revision in Most Recent Parts section were not redirecting to Part Revision previously, it’s now fixed.

DAPNext New Features:

  • Work Orders: Jobs feature in DAPNext is now renamed to Work Orders with enhanced functionality. It now allows users to add more useful details such as work items, vehicle specification, Images and Parts to Work Order.
    • Key enhancements:
      • Optimized customer search on a Work Order.
      • Add a new customer when editing or creating a new customer.
      • Auto VIN check and validation to autofill vehicle details.
      • Upload Vehicle images on a Work Order.
      • Ability to add line Work Items and Technician assignment on Work order to enhance productivity.
      • Ability to add Parts, Plots related information on Work Order.


  • Deals: Leads feature is now renamed to Deals with enhanced features and functionalities.
    • Key enhancements:
      • Optimized Search and Filter capability.
      • More fields are added to capture useful data about the customer requests for better Deals management.
      • Deals can be mapped to existing customer or add a new customer from the same screen and map a Deal to that customer.
      • Create the work order from a Deals page directly to enhance productivity.


  • Flag Hours:
    • Flag hours column is added on the Part Search result page. This will allow user to see an estimated time required to install that part. DAP design team is actively working on assigning flag hours to available parts.
    • DAP users who are having access to Labor Profile section can now select Flag Hour parameter when creating/editing a labor profile.
  • Zoom: Users are now able to zoom in and out the DAPNext from the main navigation bar. This will help users to fit the DAPNext content to different screen sizes.


DAP Next update v11.3.9 02/01/2024

Changes for this patch include:

  • UI - adjusted grid column widths across the platform for better visual consistency
  • Admin/Customers - Fixed a validation bug that allowed for saving customers without names
  • Incremental Move - fixed a bug in drawing form where entities would disappear when enabling Incremental Move tool
  • Select tool - fixed a bug in drawing form where the select tool was selecting objects up to several inches away from the cursor

New features:

  • Architectural Product Selector - new tool under XPEL Account that allows users to input use cases in order to determine the best Vision film for their clients' needs. A new How-To video for this feature to come soon.


DAPNext Hotfix v1.1.629.8269 1/25/2024


  • Price Columns: Fixed a bug where system Price Columns were not displaying in Part Search results.
  • Reports: Fixed a bug where Plot log Material Cost wasn't showing the correctly calculated value
  • Login: Fixed a bug causing a login loop, where a datetime discrepancy in user tokens was not matching database datetime.


  • Admin: Fixed a bug where Shop Computer users could change passwords, but Admin users could not.
  • Design: Fixed a bug causing an error when sorting Design Tasks by subscriber count.
  • Part Search: Fixed a bug where using Part Search from the Navbar did not return any results.


DAPNext Updates 12/20/2023


  • Added Chinese language support (Simplified and Traditional)
  • Improved tracking for DAPNext logins
  • Corrected Date format to match culture preference based on language (12/15/2023 vs 15/12/2023 vs 2023/12/15)
  • Added maximum character counter to all large text fields
  • Added autocomplete to all Country address fields
  • Updated all buttons to a new design style
  • Updated Cutbank > Add Roll image to include text for translation assistance
  • Updated Home page to include new How-To videos


Bug Fixes:

  • Various UI improvements and bug fixes, include zebra striping and button color shift on activation
  • Various bug fixes and improvements related to Warranties
  • Part Revisions: original Part Numbers not retained when saving new revisions
  • Film Inventory: fixed a bug where SKU could not be entered, preventing new items from being added to inventory
  • Jobs: Fixed a bug related to Add Searched Part, where the back button returned to a blank job form
  • Catalog: fixed a bug when changing default data when generating a new Catalog caused an error
  • Part Search: fixed a bug causing a system error when changing Make or Model during a part search
  • Price Columns: Fixed a bug where entering a negative markup on a price column set prices to negative
  • Jobs: fixed a bug where changing language settings caused Edit Job to throw an error
  • Favorite Parts: fixed a bug where confirmation was missing from removing an item from Favorite Parts
  • Production Manager: fixed a bug where double-click on plot sent plot command twice, resulting in double pattern cutting
  • Customer Data Privacy: fixed a bug where client information was retained by browser settings for auto-complete fields
  • Drag & Drop: fixed a bug where drag and drop functionality on all pages was disabled
  • Feedback: fixed a bug where email was required to submit feedback without subscribing
  • Jobs: Fixed several bugs related to Job Calendar view, including incomplete data being passed when viewing jobs, and an error when creating a new job from Calendar.
  • Statuses: fixed a bug where Job Status and Task Status pages failed to load
  • Locations: fixed a bug where errors thrown when changing Location settings.